How to Sell Stamp Collections for Top Dollar in 2023

Selling stamp collections isn’t terribly difficult, but it starts with knowing what you’re working with.

I’ll share exactly how to price used furniture effectively, based on years of selling used items like furniture both locally and online.

Appraising Your Stamp Collection

Properly appraising your collection is the most vital part of the process. If you’re a lifelong stamp collector, you probably know your stamp portfolio’s value. However, if you’ve inherited a collection, you might need some more help.

Skip Catalog Values

Catalog values are almost never the same as the appraised value, and few collectors or buyers pay attention to the catalog value when buying stamp collections.

Accurate Valuations

Fair market value is simply the price at which they believe you can sell your collection, based on their experience and historical sales figures.

Organize Your Collection

Before you schedule your appraisal, or at least before the date of the appraisal, you need to organize your collection as much as possible. Most stamp collections are woefully disorganized, making the appraisal process more time consuming and difficult.

The Appraisal Process

Find a qualified appraiser that is USPAP certified (Unified Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice). These standards were developed by the Appraisal Foundation, which is a body of the US Government.

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