Buying and Selling Video Games

Video games are one of the top forms of entertainment in the modern world. New games are fun, and older games are powerful for their nostalgic value.

If you’re unsure how to resell video games and want to get into this industry with some knowledge in your corner: this is everything you need to know.

Reselling video games may seem like a risky investment: but some people have made millions going into this business.

Can You Resell Video Games for Profit?

In the middle of 2019, there were predictions that video game reselling was going to die out. Companies noted that sales of preowned games were dropping rapidly through the previous three to four years.

Current Video Game Reselling Industry at a Glance

Most of these are newer games, so you must stay on top of the sites that you purchase your games on.

What Video Games Should You Flip?

The top places to purchase video games from are: – eBay – Facebook Marketplace – Craigslist – Game Trades – Thrift Stores – Garage Sales

Where Do You Buy Video Games to Flip?

Photos of the actual product, not stock images. It may be tempting to use stock and official pictures because they’re immediately professional-looking: but this may make buyers assume that the listing is a scam or false advertising.

How to Make Your Listing Stand Out