12 Best Paying Jobs for Former Math Teachers

Teaching is a difficult job both financially and emotionally; many teachers get worn down and decide they want to quit and start another career sooner rather than later.

Fortunately, instead of feeling lost without a career path, there are plenty of jobs for ex math teachers.

As an operations research analyst, your main role will be to advise managers and decision-makers on the correct course of action to solve a problem.

12. Operations Research Analyst

This means studying past events and lifestyles to modern life and relationships between different nations, cities, and beliefs about the economy.

11. Social Scientist

As a personal financial advisor, you’ll look at the financial needs of your clients and help them make hard decisions on investments, taxes, and insurance.

10. Personal Financial Advisor

In this role, you’ll use scientific and mathematical principles to observe, understand, and explain or forecast the atmospheric phenomena that affect life here on Earth.

9. Meteorologist

A statistician creates and applies mathematical or statistical theories to gain and explain useful information and solve real-world problems.

8. Statistician