Boomer Backlash: 18 Ways Gen X is Sticking it to the Old Guard

In the ever-evolving tapestry of generational dynamics, the contrasting preferences and values of different age groups often come to the forefront. This list delves into the intriguing world of Generation X, born between the early 1960s and late 1970s, and some of their favorite things that, interestingly, don’t always sit well with their predecessors, the Baby Boomers. From music to lifestyle choices, humor, and technology, this exploration offers a unique window into how generational distinctions can shape our tastes, opinions, and interactions in a world that’s continuously changing.

Alternative Music

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Gen X’s affinity for alternative music, characterized by its raw and unpolished sound, is sometimes met with disapproval from Boomers who have a preference for the more established and melodic tunes of classic rock. The rebellious and non-conformist themes often found in alternative music can challenge the more conventional tastes of the Boomer generation.

Video Games

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Video games, a favorite pastime of Gen X, are often viewed as a frivolous distraction by some Boomers who may not understand the appeal or appreciate the complexity and artistry that modern gaming has to offer. The generational gap in technology use and the perception of screen time may contribute to this divide.


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Gen X’s wholehearted embrace of technology, from smartphones to social media, can be met with resistance from some Boomers who are less comfortable with the rapid changes in the digital landscape. This divide in technological fluency can result in differences in attitudes toward and uses of digital tools.

Retro Fashion

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Gen X’s fondness for retro fashion, including styles from the 1980s and 1990s, can be perplexing to Boomers who may see it as a revival of trends they witnessed firsthand and perhaps thought they had left behind. The appreciation for what Boomers may consider “outdated” fashion can lead to generational style clashes.

Diverse Relationships

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Gen X’s embrace of diverse relationships and friendships is often at odds with some Boomers’ more traditional views on social and cultural boundaries. The generational shift towards accepting diverse backgrounds and lifestyles can challenge pre-existing beliefs.

Social Media

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Gen X’s extensive use of social media as a means of communication, networking, and self-expression can baffle some Boomers who find it overwhelming or trivial. The digital communication divide, along with concerns about privacy and misinformation, may contribute to these differences in perspective.


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Gen X’s frequent use of sarcasm and irony in humor can sometimes be misinterpreted or seen as disrespectful by some Boomers who may have a preference for more straightforward and polite communication. The contrasting humor styles can create misunderstandings between the two generations.


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Gen X’s entrepreneurial spirit and the pursuit of non-traditional career paths may clash with some Boomers’ preference for more stable and conventional employment. This generational difference in risk tolerance and career expectations can lead to contrasting views on work and success.

Darker Themes in Entertainment

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Gen X’s appreciation for entertainment with darker and grittier themes, such as crime dramas and horror films, can be disturbing to some Boomers who may prefer lighter and more optimistic content. The preference for different emotional tones in entertainment can lead to disagreements on what is suitable and enjoyable.

Non-Traditional Family Structures

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Gen X’s acceptance of non-traditional family structures, such as LGBTQ+ families and cohabitation without marriage, may challenge some Boomers’ adherence to more traditional family values and norms. These differing views on family dynamics can lead to generational tensions.


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Gen X’s embrace of minimalism in design and lifestyle, focusing on simplicity and functionality, can be seen as stark and uninviting by some Boomers who may prefer more ornate and decorative styles. The generational divide in design aesthetics can lead to varying preferences in home and decor choices.

Cultural Exploration

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Gen X’s open-mindedness towards diverse cultural experiences and cuisines can be met with skepticism by some Boomers who may have grown up with more homogenous cultural influences. This openness to different traditions and cuisines may not align with more conservative and traditional views on culture.

Casual Dress

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Gen X’s preference for casual attire in various settings, from the workplace to social gatherings, can be perceived as a lack of formality and professionalism by some Boomers who may have more rigid dress codes and expectations. This generational difference in fashion choices can lead to clashes in style and etiquette.

Political Activism

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Gen X’s active engagement in various social and political causes, often advocating for change and progressive ideals, may challenge some Boomers’ more conservative political beliefs and upbringing. These generational differences in political views and activism can lead to conflicts over societal values and priorities.

DIY Projects

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Gen X’s love for do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and crafts may be viewed as time-consuming or unnecessary by some Boomers who may prefer ready-made or professionally produced goods. The generational gap in attitudes towards self-sufficiency and handmade items can lead to varying perspectives on craftsmanship.

Streaming Services

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Gen X’s frequent use of streaming platforms for entertainment can contrast with some Boomers’ reliance on cable TV for content consumption. The generational shift from traditional cable TV to digital streaming may result in differences in preferred entertainment sources.

Cultural Irony

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Gen X’s penchant for embracing cultural irony and meta-humor can be perceived as insincere or disrespectful by some Boomers who may have a preference for more straightforward and genuine expressions of culture and humor. The contrasting humor styles can lead to misunderstandings and differing tastes in entertainment.

Slang and Lingo

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Gen X’s use of unique slang and lingo, often associated with subcultures and specific communities, may seem confusing or off-putting to some Boomers who may prefer more standard and established language and expressions. The generation gap in linguistic styles can lead to communication challenges and misunderstandings.

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