Across the Pond Disdain: 18 Horrendous American Habits Foreigners Just Can’t Stomach

There is a lot to love about America, from the bright lights of New York to the incredible breakfasts, but foreigners also dislike many things. We look at everything from poor public transport to an intimidating tip culture, sharing 18 things that America could be better at.

Supersized Meals

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Americans love their food, but many foreigners find the supersized portions overwhelming. Ordering dinner for one person in America often means ordering enough food to feed your small family. While getting value for your money is great, overindulging can lead to a lot of food waste and becoming overweight.

Poor Public Transport

Public Transport.
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As we will read later in the list, American citizens love cars. This means that tourists struggle with the lack of public transport systems which can be challenging for those who do not want to hire a car. A good public transport network would also improve America’s environmentally friendly credentials.

The Healthcare System

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Healthcare in America is very costly and can often leave people out of pocket as they navigate the complicated world of healthcare insurance. While many countries use a tax system to ensure healthcare for all, it is each to their own in the US.

Excessive Tipping

Woman sad about money.
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Tipping culture in America can be very confusing for tourists as it is customary to leave a tip for almost everything. The services that most people pay for worldwide, such as being served drinks, getting your hair done, and car valets, not only come with a set price in the US, they come with a 20% tip fee.


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America is well-known for its consumer culture but many people outside of the US struggle with the level of materialism on display. There is also a huge focus on new product releases and sales all year round.

Intricate Politics

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American politics can be confusing for people on the outside with its two-party system and its electoral college. It seems there is also a political campaign in the states which is tiring for many foreigners.

Constant Litigation

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America is trigger-happy regarding litigation, with citizens launching legal action over minor incidents that foreigners would not be bothered about. From personal injury claims to business disputes, it makes living in America a lot more risky than in other countries.

Lack of Vacations

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Time off work is not guaranteed to all workers in the US, which means that, on average American citizens take fewer vacations than other people around the world. The heavy work culture is confusing for many foreigners who love to plan time off to relax.

Gun Culture

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The right to bear arms in the US is something many foreigners find difficult to understand. When guns are controlled very strictly in other countries around the world,, it is hard to comprehend people having guns in their homes, particularly given some of the US gun tragedies the world has witnessed.

High Taxes

Woman looking confused.
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The high living costs and burdensome tax system are too much for foreigners to take, and the thought of living and working in America is just too much, having come from a country with a fairer tax structure.

College Fees

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The cost of studying for a college degree in the US is high compared to many countries. Quality education in the US comes with a price, so many foreigners are put off living and studying there.

Language Barriers

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English is spoken widely in the US, but many regional dialogues are more difficult to understand, and many people from different countries and cultures reside in the US. This may pose a challenge for some who may not have the time or the money to learn a new language.

Lack of Cultural Awareness

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While many different cultures reside in the US,, the country is not very tolerant of many of them. There are a lot of stereotypes about other cultures that Americans hold on to, which can create a hostile environment for many foreigners.

Car Obsession

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As mentioned earlier in the list, Americans love cars almost as much as they love guns, which means that pedestrians and cyclists struggle to get around. Foreigners used to safely walking around their home country are in for a shock in some US cities.

Junk Food Excess

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As well as large portion sizes, Americans lean on the unhealthy side of eating with their high junk food intake. Many people eat takeout and convenience fast foods, which is difficult for many outside of the US to tolerate.

Lack of National Holidays

Woman with regret.
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Alongside a lack of paid leave, Americans do not have many national holidays compared to other countries. People outside of the US who are used to small breaks over the year to celebrate special days are puzzled by the lack of holidays in America.

Fast-Paced Life

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With fewer holidays, less paid leave, and limited national holidays, the American way of living is fast-paced and unforgiving. Work life’s constant hustle and bustle can be hard for many foreigners to sustain.

Cost of Living

Broke woman.
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Working at a fast pace is essential to Americans who have to deal with the high cost of living. While foreigners are used to a good work/life balance, Americans work hard in the hope that they can get the chance to play hard.

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