Why Are eBay Fees So High & How to Lower Them Significantly

If you’re wondering why are eBay fees so high, you’re probably a new seller or maybe thinking about getting started on the platform.

After selling on eBay for 5 years, I would actually argue eBay fees are a bargain. In this story, I’ll tell you why eBay’s fees are worth paying, and several ways you can even reduce them.

Why Are eBay Fees So High?

eBay seller fees are relatively high at ~12.5% on average, because it costs money to manage their platform of 187 million shoppers, and provide sellers with services like fraud protection and discounted shipping rates.

What Percentage Does eBay Take From a Sale?

 eBay fees will vary by category, but on average they are around 12.5% and can range from 0% (shoe category on sales of $100+) to 15% (watches category).

How Do I Avoid eBay Fees?

Although you can’t avoid eBay fees entirely, there are several strategies sellers can use to reduce their transaction fees on the marketplace.

Does eBay Take Their Fees Automatically?

eBay seller fees are automatically deducted when the sales transaction occurs. This creates more clarity for sellers, as opposed to their previous process of sending a monthly bill of the total item fee amount.

Is It More Expensive to Sell on eBay Now?

The overall amount charged to eBay sellers per sale is approximately the same as it has been for years (including before Managed Payments).

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