15 Funny Ways to Make Money that Pay Shockingly Well

Although most people will admit that getting a job is boring, we all need money to survive! Thankfully, there are some fun ways to make money so that not everyone has to be stuck working nine to five in an office!

Although most interesting jobs are gig work, you can also make them your full-time job. These are some weird ways to make money that many have built a career out of!

1. Working as a Rent-A-Friend

This may be one of the most unusual ways to make money, but as you do it, you’ll hang with your clients and play the role of their friend.

2. Sell Your Hair

Hair that’s naturally rare colors like pale blonde or red sell for more, along with straight hair and hair that hasn’t been treated with heat or products.

3. Become a Professional Cuddler

In recent years people have been further apart than ever: which is why many are turning to professional cuddlers to be able to feel human contact.

4. Life Modeling for Art Classes

Artists are the creative people who can keep our society inspired: which is why they must have reference to practice from.

5. Virtual Bridesmaid

A wedding is a lot of stress, and brides need someone to step up to the plate and offer them all of the support they need!

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