How to Sell Fast on eBay: 9 Secrets to Selling Stuff Faster

Nothing is scarier and more de-motivating for eBay sellers than slow sales. After learning how to sell on eBay, I discovered a few tricks to fix this problem to help you sell your eBay items quickly.

Let’s dive into how to sell fast on eBay using battle tested strategies.

If you want quick sales, strategically setting your pricing is first place to start. Many buyers will make their decision to purchase based solely on price.

1. Set More Aggressive Pricing

Sellers have the opportunity to send offers to those watchers to entice them into purchasing. I’ve utilized this feature both on eBay and selling on Mercari to increase my sales quickly.

2. Send Offers to Watchers

A keyword simply refers to a search phrase someone types into eBay to find what they’re looking for (examples: denim jeans, fly fishing rod, noise cancelling headphones).

3. Use Plenty of Keywords in Listings

Great photos not only show shoppers what they’re buying, but they also have the potential to eliminate questions and shopper hesitation.

4. Create Eye-Catching Photos

Descriptions are your chance to include pertinent/helpful information to ensure there’s no ambiguity or obvious questions shoppers will need to ask you.

5. Add Helpful Information in the Description