How to Make Money on Discord in 2023

Discord has become extraordinarily popular as a chat app in the last few years and isn’t slowing down any time soon.

With over 300 million followers, many want to figure out how to make money on Discord as this is still a generally untapped market.

If your server offers unique information, like tips on studying as Ritesh Verma does, you can add subscription plans to make it a subscription server so people have to pay to join, similar to a membership site.

1. Make Your Server For Paid Members Only

Many server owners struggle with subscriber growth, leading many to purchase ads to promote their community. If you have a large server of at least a thousand subscribers, you can start earning money from ads.

2. Advertise Other Servers

As a server owner, you can choose to allow donations in your group. This can be done through bots or add ons in Discord.

3. Keep A Donation or Tip Jar

There’s no set prices for Discord influencers, but payment rates stay fairly close to influencers on apps like Instagram or Twitter.

4. Get Sponsored to Run Advertisements

This type of marketing is all over social media, from Instagram to Youtube, and is only recently hitting Discord.

5. Become an Affiliate and Market to Your Server