Public Enemy: The 21 Most Despised Figures in America Today

The concept of “the most hated people in America” is subjective and can vary depending on individual perspectives and political affiliations. However, several names crop up regularly when Americans are asked which celebrities they hate.

Based on public opinion polls, media coverage, and social media trends, here are 21 individuals who have frequently been identified as controversial figures

Donald Trump

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The 45th president of the United States remains a highly polarizing figure, with strong opinions both for and against him. His critics often point to his policies, rhetoric, and behavior as reasons for dislike.

Hillary Clinton

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As a former secretary of state, first lady, and presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has been the subject of intense scrutiny and criticism throughout her political career. Her supporters admire her experience and dedication to public service, while her detractors often question her trustworthiness and judgment.

Nancy Pelosi

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As speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi is a prominent figure in American politics and a frequent target of criticism from conservatives. Her critics often disagree with her political views and leadership style.

Mitch McConnell

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As Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell is another prominent political figure who has drawn criticism from both sides of the aisle. His critics often accuse him of obstructionism and partisanship.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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As a young and outspoken congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has quickly become a target for criticism from conservatives, who often disagree with her progressive views and social media presence.

Ted Cruz

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Ted Cruz is a staunch conservative who holds strong views on a variety of issues, including abortion, gun control, and immigration. His views on these issues have made him unpopular with many liberals and progressives. Also, many people believe that Cruz’s actions during the shutdown in 2013 were irresponsible and harmful to the country.

Tucker Carlson

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As a popular conservative commentator on Fox News, Tucker Carlson has drawn criticism from liberals and progressives for his views on race, immigration, and other social issues.

Rachel Maddow

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As a liberal commentator on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow has drawn criticism from conservatives for her views on politics, current events, and the Trump administration.

Kanye West

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The rapper and fashion designer has been a controversial figure throughout his career, often making headlines for his outspoken views, personal behavior, and support of Donald Trump.

Kim Kardashian

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Some people dislike her because of her wealth and privilege. They believe she is out of touch with the average person and does not have to work hard for her money. Others dislike Kim Kardashian because of her family’s fame. They believe that the Kardashians are famous for no reason and that they do not deserve their fame. They also believe that the Kardashians promote a negative image of women.

O.J. Simpson

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Despite his acquittal in the murder trial of his wife, Nicole Brown, O.J. Simpson remains a controversial figure, with many people believing he is guilty.

Jesse James

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The former reality TV star and motorcycle gang member has faced criticism for his past behavior, including accusations of infidelity and domestic violence.

Martha Stewart

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The lifestyle guru and businesswoman was convicted of insider trading in 2004, serving five months in prison and facing further legal repercussions.

Dennis Rodman

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The former NBA star has been criticized for his controversial off-court behavior, including accusations of domestic violence and substance abuse.

Michael Vick

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The former NFL quarterback was convicted of dogfighting in 2007, serving 18 months in prison and facing widespread condemnation.

Louis Farrakhan

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The leader of the Nation of Islam has been criticized for his anti-Semitic and racist remarks, drawing condemnation from various groups and organizations.

David Duke

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The former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan has been a vocal proponent of white supremacy and white nationalism, making him a target of criticism and condemnation.

Harold Camping

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People hated the Christian radio broadcaster after he gained notoriety for his prediction that the world would end on May 21, 2011, a claim that was widely ridiculed and disproven.

Paris Hilton

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Some people dislike Paris Hilton because of her privileged upbringing. Hilton was born into a wealthy family and has never had to work hard for anything. Critics argue that this makes her out of touch with the average person and that she does not understand the realities of life for most people.

Martin Shkreli

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Martin Shkreli is an American entrepreneur and convicted fraudster widely criticized for his business practices. He is best known for raising the price of the drug Daraprim, a lifesaving treatment for toxoplasmosis, by over 5,000% in 2015. This decision made Shkreli a symbol of corporate greed and price gouging, and he quickly became one of the most hated figures in America.

Phil Spector

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Once celebrated for his groundbreaking “Wall of Sound” production technique and his Wagnerian approach to rock music, Phil Spector’s legacy was irrevocably tarnished by his 2009 conviction for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson.

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