19 So-Called ‘Biblical Facts’ Not Supported By The Bible

From well-known symbols to popular stories of the Bible, here are 19 so-called “Biblical facts” that are not actually supported by the Bible. 

Adam and Eve’s Apple

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Contrary to popular belief, the Bible never specifies the fruit in the Garden of Eden as an apple. This misconception likely stems from artistic depictions and cultural interpretations. The text refers to it as “the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden.”

The Forbidden Fruit as a Symbol of Sin

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While the forbidden fruit is often taken as a symbol of sin and temptation, the Bible doesn’t explicitly label it as such. This interpretation is more a product of theological discourse than direct biblical text.

Three Wise Men Visiting Jesus

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The Bible mentions wise men, or Magi, visiting Jesus but does not specify their number as three. This idea likely arose from the three gifts mentioned: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Noah’s Ark and Species Pairing

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While Noah’s Ark is a well-known story, the Bible does not explicitly state that animals boarded in pairs of every species. It mentions pairs but also makes references to seven pairs for certain types of animals.

Jonah Swallowed by a Whale

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The story of Jonah describes him being swallowed by a “great fish” rather than specifically a whale. The whale interpretation became famous in later Christian and artistic traditions.

The Immaculate Conception

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Often misunderstood, the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary being born without original sin, not the virgin birth of Jesus. This doctrine is more rooted in church tradition than in explicit biblical texts.

Satan as a Fallen Angel

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The Bible does not depict Satan as a fallen angel, a common narrative in Christian theology. This concept has evolved over time, influenced by various scriptural interpretations and religious traditions.

The Serpent as Satan

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While many assume the serpent in the Garden of Eden to be Satan, the Bible does not make this connection explicitly. This identification is a result of later theological interpretation.

The Physical Appearance of Jesus

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The Bible provides no detailed description of Jesus’s physical appearance. The commonly accepted image of Jesus with long hair and a beard is based on artistic and cultural depictions.

Mary Magdalene as a Prostitute

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Mary Magdalene is often thought of as a prostitute, but the Bible never explicitly states this. This misconception likely arises from conflating her with other unnamed women mentioned in the Gospels.

The Seven Deadly Sins

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The list of seven deadly sins is a product of Christian ethical teachings and does not directly originate from the Bible. This concept was developed by early Church theologians.

Moses’s Horns

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Some older translations of the Bible led to the misunderstanding that Moses had horns. This error stems from a mistranslation of Hebrew texts, influencing art and sculpture.

The Rapture

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The concept of the Rapture, where believers are taken up to heaven before the end times, is not explicitly detailed in the Bible. This idea is more a part of modern Christian eschatology than biblical text.

The Eye of a Needle as a Literal Needle

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The phrase “eye of a needle” used by Jesus when discussing the rich entering the kingdom of God is often misunderstood. Some interpret it as a metaphor, while others suggest it refers to a gate in Jerusalem, not an actual sewing needle.

Hell as a Place of Fire and Brimstone

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The fiery depiction of hell is more a product of literary and artistic tradition than explicit biblical description. The Bible uses various metaphors to describe hell, but the fiery imagery became dominant in later Christian thought.

The Tower of Babel and Multiple Languages

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While the Tower of Babel story is associated with the origin of different languages, the Bible does not detail how multiple languages emerged explicitly from this event. This narrative is more of a symbolic explanation.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

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This popular phrase, often thought to be from the Bible, is actually not found in the scriptures. It originated from a sermon by John Wesley, an 18th-century evangelist.

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

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This specific phrase does not appear in the Bible. It is a general summation of several Proverbs about discipline, but the exact wording is from a 17th-century poem.

Angels with Wings

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The Bible does not consistently describe angels as having wings. While some passages mention winged creatures, the typical portrayal of angels with wings is more a product of artistic tradition


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