19 Biblical Predictions That Seem to Be Coming True Right Now

The Bible is packed with information and predictions. Many times, these predictions become true, and there are still several predictions left that are seeming to becoming true at this point. Here are 19 predictions that now happening as this article is written.

Rise of Global Pandemics

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Biblical prophecies often speak of plagues and diseases that will emerge in the end times. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought these predictions to the forefront of many believers’ minds, correlating to passages that warn of widespread sickness.

Unprecedented Natural Disasters

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The frequency of natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires has increased. These events mirror biblical forecasts of the earth’s upheaval as a precursor to prophetic fulfillment.

The Surge of Knowledge and Travel

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Daniel 12:4 speaks of a time when knowledge and the ability to travel will significantly increase. In the age of the internet and rapid transportation, this prophecy aligns closely with current technological and societal trends.

Formation of a One-World Government

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Revelations hint at a single, unified government as part of the end times. The push towards globalism and international cooperation, particularly in trade and environmental efforts, is seen by some as a step towards this biblical prediction.

The Decline of Traditional Morality

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As societal norms shift, there is a perceived decline in traditional Judeo-Christian values, echoing scriptures that foretell a moral decay as the end times approach.

Persecution of Christians

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Reports of Christians facing increased persecution around the world resonate with biblical passages predicting that believers will be targeted for their faith in the last days.

The Re-Emergence of Israel

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The establishment and continued existence of Israel is often cited as a fulfilled prophecy, with its future role in end-time scenarios still a topic of much discussion and anticipation among scholars.

The Rise of False Prophets

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The modern era has seen several charismatic leaders claiming prophetic insight, which aligns with biblical warnings about the appearance of false prophets in the last days.

Global Economic Instability

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Predictions of a tumultuous end-time economy can be paralleled with the current state of financial markets, marked by volatility and the potential for a global economic crisis.

The Quest for Peace in the Middle East

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Efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East echo prophecies regarding the end times, particularly those surrounding the nation of Israel and its neighbours.

Widespread Apostasy in the Church

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The concept of a ‘falling away’ or apostasy within the church is a significant prediction, with some observers claiming that shifts in doctrine and practice are setting the stage for this prophecy.

Technological Advances and the Mark of the Beast

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Advances in technology, especially in biometrics and finance, raise concerns among some believers about the potential for a system akin to the ‘Mark of the Beast’ described in Revelation.

The Spiritual Awakening of Many Nations

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Amidst the chaos, there is also a prediction of a great spiritual revival. Some report a surge in religious interest and conversions in places previously closed to the gospel.

Signs in the Heavens

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Astronomical events, like blood moons and solar eclipses, have been interpreted by some as the celestial signs prophesied in the Bible to mark the end of times.

The Gog and Magog Prophecy

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The geopolitical landscape, with tensions involving nations such as Russia, Iran, and others, has been linked to the prophecy concerning the war of Gog and Magog mentioned in Ezekiel.

The Increasing Relevance of Prophecy Scholars

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There’s a growing interest in eschatology and the study of end-times prophecy, which suggests a broader public perception that these ancient predictions are more relevant now than ever.

Biblical Numerology and Prophetic Years

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Enthusiasts of biblical numerology point to the current year and its significance in prophecy, interpreting global events as part of a divine timeline.

Cultural Shifts Towards Paganism

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A resurgence in ancient practices and embracing neo-pagan beliefs could be interpreted as part of the prophetic narrative regarding end-time spirituality.

The Call for Unity in Religion

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The push towards ecumenical movements and interfaith dialogues may reflect the biblical anticipation of a one-world religion that some believe will form during the end times.

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